
Showing posts from August, 2020

Ebooks website in laravel 7

Ebooks website in laravel 7 : This is an ebooks web application built with Laravel 7, Bootstrap 4, and MySQL. In this application, Users can upload pdf book with thumbnail. Users can browse the pdf books according to the category and can download the book.

Video Sharing App in Django 3

Video Sharing App in Django 3 : This video sharing application built with Django 3, bootstrap 4, and SQLite 3. This is a fully functional application. In this application, the user can create their own channel and upload videos on the channel. Users can like, dislike, comment on any video, subscribe to any channel, and much more.

How to create Bar Chart image with Matplotlib in Django

How to create Bar Chart image with Matplotlib in Django : Hello World, Welcome to Today I am going to discuss how to create a bar chart image with the Matplotlib in Django 3.

How to share common data in all Django templates

How to share common data in all Django templates : Today I am going to discuss how to share common data in all Django templates. In this tutorial, we will show common data in all templates with the help of a context processor.

How to create piechart with matplotlib in django 3

How to create piechart with matplotlib in django 3 : Hello World, Welcome to Today I am going to discuss how to create a piechart with the Matplotlib in Django 3. We will create a piechart according to data and save a png image and then display this image in the Django template.

Stock Management System in Django 3 with Matplotlib

Stock Management System in Django 3 with Matplotlib : This is a stock management system built with Django 3 and bootstrap 4 framework. I have also used matplotlib python package in this project.

Quote images website project in Django

Quote images website project in Django : This is quote images website built with Django 3 and bootstrap 4. In this project user can browse, download and upload images. You can download this django project for your Django practise.

Music Website Project in Django

Music Website Project in Django : This is a music website project in Django 3 and bootstrap 4. In this project, Admin can add genre, albums, artists, and songs. A song belongs to multiple artists and a single album or single genre. You can download this project for your Django practice.

Online Food Order Bootstrap 4 Template

Online Food Order Bootstrap 4 Template : This is an online food order system built with bootstrap 4. I have used PHP also to make this template. You can download this template for free.

Online Study Project in Django 3

Online Study Project in Django 3 : Hello World, Welcome to This is an online study project built with Django 3, bootstrap 4, and SQLite. This is a very awesome application in Django 3.

Create signup login logout with user model in django 3

Create signup login logout with user model in django 3 : Hello World, Welcome to Today we will create login signup and logout with the user model in Django 3. In this tutorial, we will use the user model which comes with Django.

Add and update data with Model Form in django 3

Add and update data with Model Form in django 3 : Hello World, Welcome to Today I am going to discuss how to add and update data with ModelForm in Django 3. In this tutorial, We will create a simple todo application with add, update, and delete functionality.